Thursday 2 February 2017

Stocksmojo welcomes YOU!

Hello Friends,

I am very excited to kick start "stocksmojo", a blog focused on Indian stock markets!

To begin with let me introduce myself.

I am a 100% self-learnt stocks investor and have been with the markets for last 5 years. I follow the fundamental analysis approach to investing. Everything what I learnt in this space is from the public domain: internet/blogs and books. I am an ardent fan of Robert Kiyosaki, Peter Lynch, Warren Buffett and Stan Weinstein. I have no degrees in Finance neither any certification from SEBI, although I do aspire to get Research Analyst Certification in future. I have an Engineering degree and working experience in large multi-national companies. Warren Buffet said "No Need to be a rocket scientist. Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with 130 IQ". This is so true and I can totally relate to that thought.

I believe in the adage "If you WANT something you must first GIVE". This blog is an attempt to give back my learning and share my little knowledge to the lakhs of small retail investors like me, since I WANT to learn from our conversations.

stocksmojo will focus on:

1. General education, thoughts and observation on topics related to the markets

2. Occasional book reviews and YouTube videos recommendations

I am very new to blogging so we will start with a simple blog page and over time as I learn and with all the feedback and suggestions from you, I promise to improvise.

Have a nice rest of the week!


  1. Great initiative! I will definitely benefit from the conversations here. Happy blogging!

  2. Great initiative ! Looking forward to the conversations...

  3. All the best Sandesh and looking forward to learn investment strategies.

  4. All the best Sandesh.. Great start...
